Tagged with " Il Soccombente"
Ago 2, 2015 - musica    Commenti disabilitati su E Così Vuoi Scrivere una Fuga? ♫

E Così Vuoi Scrivere una Fuga? ♫

GlennGouldGlenn Gould.

Confesso che mi ero fatta l’idea che Glenn Gould non avesse la minima ombra di senso dell’umorismo. Un po’ per via di Bach e un po’ per via de Il Soccombente… Vi ho mai detto di quanto detesti Il Soccombente di Thomas Bernhard? Una volta o l’altra ne parleremo, ma per il momento limitiamoci a dire questo: non è un libro atto ad incoraggiare la fede nel senso dell’umorismo – di Bernhard, di Glenn Gould, dell’Umanità in generale, di alcunchì.

E magari non è ragionevole farsi idee del genere in base a un romanzo di cui – va detto – Glenn Gould non aveva nessuna responsabilità… Ma tant’è: mi ero fatta quest’idea.

Poi ho scoperto So You Want to Write a Fugue, e… ho cambiato idea.

So you want to write a fugue.
You got the urge to write a fugue.
You got the nerve to write a fugue.
So go ahead, so go ahead and write a fugue.
Go ahead and write a fugue that we can sing.

Pay no heed, Pay no mind.
Pay no heed to what we tell you,
Pay no mind to what we tell you.
Cast away all that you were told
And the theory that you read.
As we said come and write one,
Oh do come and write one,
Write a fugue that we can sing.

Now the only way to write one
Is to plunge right in and write one.
Just forget the rules and write one,
Just ignore the rules and try.

And the fun of it will get you.
And the joy of it will fetch you.
Its a pleasure that is bound to satisfy.
When you decide that John Sebastian must have been a very personable guy.

Never be clever
for the sake of being clever,
for the sake of showing off.

For a canon in inversion is a dangerous diversion,
And a bit of augmentation is a serious temptation,
While a stretto diminution is an obvious allusion.

For to try to write a fugue that we can sing.

And when you finish writing it
I think you will find a great joy in it.

or so…
Nothing ventured, nothing gained they say
But still it is rather hard to start.

Well let us try right now.
Now we are going to write a fugue.
We are going to write a good one.
We are going to write a fugue … right now.

Visto? E in generale sono ottimi consigli anche in fatto di scrittura. Scrittura non musicale, intendo. E buona domenica.